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IL 1831
Chailey Rottingdean West Blatchington

The Smock Mill is a tapered tower clad in weatherboard and is usually octagonal in shape although there are examples of six, ten and even twelve sides ones. Most of these mills are built on a brick base to protect the timber structure from rotting.

West Blatchington Shipley

The main structure of a Smock Mill is her 'cant' or corner posts which extend to the full height and converge at the top.

On top of the tower is a cap that is capable of being rotated to bring the sweeps into wind.

A gallery is constructed around the tower so that the miller can reach the tip of the sweeps.

Smock Mill Click here for a sectional drawing Smock Mill

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Website Design : Simon Potter

Interior of Shipley Mill

Post Mills

Tower Mills 

Windmill Tour

What's in a name ?

Behold !  A giant am I !